Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Wedding Thank You Wording Destination

Diary: Gilles Pelletier, page 4


¤ Gilles Pelletier as an important player in the definition of French Canadian culture through his work as an actor and founder of a theater company. ¤
from its experience as a metaphor for the journey sociocultural Quebec.
¤ failed to show a man whose passions gradually moving away from him: the theater, boating, a sovereign Quebec ... ¤
Explorer metaphor of a private soldier, the battle of the little French Canadian
. Especially as the TV Theatre part of Dubé, Gilles Pelletier is absolutely incredible.

1 - an actor
Starting from rooms in which to play Gilles Pelletier, establish the key moments of his career and concepts that animate his game:

text: learn, then unlearn.
¤ Method: Not adding the "must ..." but the journey.
memory situations, the evolution of the characters.
¤ Breathing: Secret of the character that lives. ¤
Partner: Discovering the truth of the character by the other, by the looks.
¤ Director: Assist the player to renew his game out of its automation.
¤ Technique: Breaking free by technology. Back
today to detail. No style without
natural. ¤
Public Theater as an art of revelation. The
held without artifice.

¤ His debut play, fun to repeat at home with his sister Denise Pelletier
¤ First room in St-Jean d'Iberville, where he feels empty before the public in a state of imitation without generosity.
¤ Moments of revelation toward mastery of its work to reach the public:
- By the presence in time to live
- For Brutus
Energy - For Speech in Six Characters in Search of an Author
¤ Moments thanks: Discovery of its ability to act.
Achieving perfect to be real on stage, a certain transcendence of the technique to achieve the total incarnation.

2 - CITIZENShift
The different stages in the life and career of Gilles Pelletier closely match the evolution of Quebec. He witnessed and participated in its cultural, participating in support of the people to political activism. It now embodies a certain disillusionment with the realization of the sovereignty project, residing always convinced of his ideas.

Provenance of a family "Half bohemian, part intellectual." Progeny of a farmer. Divides his time between the farm land and water to navigate. It even goes in the French Navy during the Second World War.
Participates in the cultural excitement of Quebec from the Second World War as an actor. He pursued his passion for the sea rest of his career, so much so that its summer escapes by boat forced him to turn down roles. His boat episodes however are not leaking, but rather to find ways
Build the Québec of tomorrow education: building a common culture. It forms
New Theatre Company with Georges Groulx François Gratton, his wife.
participates in cultural events to show his taste for political sovereignty fervor. Prominent example speech St-Jean Baptiste by Gilles Pelletier, on the Plains of Abraham, Quebec June 23, 2001. (See Appendix for complete text).
questions today. The formation of a Quebec government is it still possible? desirable?


Speech Gilles Pelletier - June 23, 2001

A little higher, a little further,
We all want to go a little higher a little further.
We all dream to live long and healthy
To go around the world.

We also dream of winning the lottery
And to meet the love of his life,
Y are even those who dare to dream of a country.

It's nice to dream,
is where it begins;
But it's not where it ends.

I'm an old master,
I crossed the river and Gulf of St. Lawrence
I knocked in all theaters
You welcomed me home, to the small screen,
But tonight, on the Plains of Abraham,
is the Quebecer who is out.

Tonight, I'm telling you v'nu
Take your dream to reality,
And the only way to do that,
is to go a little higher, a little further.
Obviously, when you walk towards his destiny,
Should be a good sailor.
If you want to get wet, were little
always stay at the dock.

Tonight I speak to all Quebecers
who want to move,
And the young, in particular.
j'vous is beautiful, young
I understand your desire,
j'vous feels ready to embark

j'vous feels ready to embark
While I must admit, I spent
age of large crossed in solitary
I need a crew Without
crew, I can no longer take the sea

Tonight I'm here to tell you
What I need you .
I dream to sail with you,
But sometimes, there's a mist,
And my horizon is blocked.

I do not want to break the party
But anyway I'm gonna tell you,
Sometimes when I think of you, I
heavy heart: When you pick
When you are looking for paradise,
Sometimes these moments, I
m'demande, if you have been loved enough.
If you had said enough.
And then sometimes, When
j'vous heard of it, I
a little scared.

You. you worry me;
You say that French is rebellious
Who s'laisse not easily tamed,
But all languages have their difficulties.

French is the key to our identity.
If you like it, You will always
hand, if you
While n'l'aimez not enough,
One day he will die, And you'll

You must say
"Hey! old! stop your great sermons "
Do not take it wrong, I'm not
v'nu lecturing you,
No! No! No!
Tonight, I'm telling you v'nu
What Quebec needs you.

I hear you and I trust I know that beyond
We share the same momentum,
The same passion
If you want
We sail on the same boat;

I remain to
the bar while you climb the main topsail. We will anchor

To accommodate those who desire to travel with us
the way, we salute all nations
Who paddled these waters
Long before us.

We sail on the largest ocean
(Humans are everywhere)
By never forgetting
That way
world starts with us. Without

old stumps like me, And
ups like you
There's no travel
There's no dream, and there's no

Tonight, I'm v'nu
tell you what the country needs us.
Happy Birthday Quebec!
aka White Fang on tiptoe


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