Sunday, October 29, 2006

All State Insurance Clip Art

suggestions DVD: Identity and commitment

The Cat in bag (1964)
Director: Gilles Groulx
Claude: French Canadian journalist to become unemployed, aspiring revolutionary existentialist with a large head. Barbara: Jewish English, studying theater, bourgeois family. Two Solitudes, feet in the snow, coming together for a few months romance lovers in the early 1960s, between the rhythm of a jazz Montreal stuffy and quiet of St. Charles in the classic tunes. The great story of a people in a small love story. (Memory Box Collection - The work of Gilles Groulx)

Orders (1974)
Director: Michel Brault
October 16, 1970. Pierre Elliott Trudeau enacts the War Measures Act following the kidnapping by the Front de Liberation du Quebec, James Richard Cross, the British trade commissioner, and Pierre Laporte, Vice-Premier and Minister of Labour of Quebec. September 27, 1974. First Canadian Film Brault, who portrays the fate of Quebec citizens, detained and released without charge following the orders of the Prime Minister: the drama of five fictional characters in a real crisis. (Box Michel Brault: Works from 1958 to 1974)

Comfort and Indifference (1982)
Director: Denys Arcand
Opening: "Men still prefer to suffer unbearable misery rather than recovering and abolish forms of government which they are accustomed. "By its words in the Declaration of Independence of the United States, Arcand began its coverage of the referendum campaign of 1980 until the federalist victory. Closure: Although images of the re-election of the Parti Quebecois in 1981, Solzhenitsyn's sentence puzzled as to the sovereignty mission in the near future: "Our lives are so short compared to the slow unfolding of history." (Denys Arcand Box: The full documentary work)

White Fang aka John Wolf


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